I think my last blog post said it all. My job really gets me down some days and the day that I wrote that was one of the days where I sit at my desk holding back tears of frustration. Interestingly enough, the following day, I took a long lunch and walked to the museum and saw an amazing art exhibition and as I walked back to the office, I realised that it was working for a flexible employer and working in the CBD that enables me to do this.
I'm still not 100% happy, because I feel that sitting here is a bit of a waste of my time and talent, but a friend sent me an email the other day with a whole bunch of suggestions, that, while they may not have been a perfect fit, exploring them has made me look at some of my talents and abilities and has sewn a seed of an idea. It's something that could fall flat on its face, or it is something that could be remarkably successful, but I won't know until I give it a go.
Watch this space (for at least 3 years, good things take time!).