In November, that job was offered to me. Longer hours, but working from home. On call 24/7 and at least an 18 year, non-negotiable contract. It's likely that my boss won't speak clear English for the best part of about 3 years, but after that, things should improve on the communication front. The pay is rubbish and I will have to deal with a lot of shit...literally, but I hear the rewards are priceless.
My title as of August will be Mum.
I'm as elated as I am scared! There are lots of "what ifs", like "What if I can't cope with the lack of sleep and manic hormones associated with the first 6 months?" and "What if my kid has some kind of developmental delay?" and "What if they turn out to be a really nasty person?" There are also lots of "I can't waits", like "I can't wait to hold it for the first time" and "I can't wait to see Andy as a Dad" and "I can't wait to hear it giggle for the first time!"
So I am going to try and keep blogging for the next 6 months, and I will try my hardest to not turn this into a "preggy blog", but after August, things might go quiet!
Oh, and heres a happy snap of the little mite!