Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Writing Enthusiasts Paradise!

Today at lunch time, I went to this shop - Oh.My.Gosh! It was wonderful. Where do I start!? One of the first books I came across when I walked in was called "Lists", and it is just that, a book with a whole lot of empty lists. My partner will attest to my fetish for lists; shopping lists, daily to do lists, weekly, mothly, yearly to do lists, lists of books I've read, lists of books I want to read! My up and coming list will be all the things I want to buy from this shop!

So what did I buy today? This! have many journals at home, half filled, blank, all with good intentions! My plan for this journal is to document my creative pursuits and write, draw or stick whatever I have done in a day that is creative. I am going to aim to live creativley for a full 365 days and document it. Hopefully, by the end of that, it will be habit and being creative won't be an effort. I know it shouldn't be and effort, but when daily life, work, shopping, cooking, cleaning, commuting all gets in the way, it is difficult. I am going to work out ways to fit creativity into all of these elements of my life (like popping out to write in my lunch break the other day) or look at them as creative pursuits, rather than chores that I am bound by, cooking, after all is an art!

My dream for the life of this journal is to fill it with picutres, photo's, quotes, recipes and dreams! I can't wait to read it next year when it is complete!

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