Sunday, February 20, 2011

141 - 160

141. Valentines day; if nothing else, an excuse to drink wine on a 'school night'
142. The sense of satisfaction that comes from going to the gym at 6am
143. Aqua class, splashy time!
144. An email from my former Kids Hope friend saying 'I like you very much Annie'
145. Positive feedback from my photography teacher
146. The man who offered me a seat on the very crowded train
147. Unexpected text message from Dad offering to buy me lunch
148. Taking a long break for afore mentioned lunch with Dad
149. The way Andy can pull me from the depths of despair just by being alive
150. Northern Exposure
151. A spontaneous hug from Thea in a shop
152. Waking up to rain on the roof
153. The Belair line train journey past Sleeps Hill Tunnel - the portal to tranquility!
154. Inspiring words from a 9 year old "Never give up!"
155. Facebook reconnecting me with an old, old friend
156. Driving through big puddles
157. Spontaneous coffee catch ups
158. Mum coming along to crafternoon
159. Dancing to a funky band
160. Andy's compliments that always seem to come when I am feeling less than complimentable!

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