361. Discovering a new class at the gym that is both kind to my knees and hard on my body (yeah, work that one out!)
362. Haighs frogs
363. Getting my birthday present from my Thursday girls....7 months later (I like a drawn out celebration!)
364. The excitement of doing something really massive for the first time ever (more on this in a later post)
365. The elation when a big plan starts to fall into place (again, more on this later!)
366. Catching up with extended family on a Wednesday night over a cuppa and a scone
367. Insomnia - it gets stuff done!
368. Margarita pizza - my new favourite!
369. Fancy burger, wine, trakkies, uggs, hoodie, Andy, red couch, FRIDAY!
370. Walking in Belair National Park and seeing emu's (3 of them!) and a koala
371. Saturday lunch time BBQ with interstate friends
372. A beautiful walk on Pt Willunga beach
373. Beating Dan's high score at Bejewelled....ok, so it only lasted 24 hours, but it was fun anyway!
374. Pumpkin dip
375. Getting started on a big, rather life changing task (sorry, being vague, all in the fullness of time!)
376. Having lifesaver sucking competitions with Andy in the car on the way to Strath
377. Picnic with Mum for Mothers Day
378. The way my Dad chucked the MG keys to Andy
379. Leftovers - saving me a nights cooking
380. Books - lots of books
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