Sunday, February 27, 2011

Body Says Stop!

After booking my week off to, as a friend so eloquently put it, 'unclench', my body made a decision on my behalf last night. I went from feeling a little tired, to full blown chills and an extremely sore throat. After a mostly sleepless night, I got up and peered down my throat with a torch - and went back to bed a sobbing mess. I don't like to feel sorry for myself (well, I like to think I don't, those who know me might think differently) but it immediately reminded me of when I had Glandular Fever 10 years ago. I spent 2 weeks (but should have spent 4) in bed, eating ice cream and often unable to move and it all started with my throat looking much like it does today.
The doctor seems to think it is just tonsillitis and a course of antibiotics should help. I hope so. Glandular Fever is no fun. Anyone who's had a full blown dose of it will agree and the fatigue often comes back to haunt you.

That said, I still have lots to be grateful for - here goes!

161. Monday morning gas-bag with Catherine
162. That we had the opportunity to see Christchurch in all its glory before last weeks tragedy
163. Late night chats with excellent people
164. Fluffy, buttery raisin toast
165. A new desk, maybe a new start?
166. Ringing up and getting an appointment at the last minute, when you were expecting to be waiting for weeks!
167. Catch ups with Don and Aileen
168. Celebrating Andy's last day in his old job, with good company
169. The satisfaction that comes from vacuuming under the bed!
170. An afternoon celebrating a new life
171. Getting up early(ish) on a weekend and getting more out of the day
172. Cooking a new recipe
173. Impulsive visits/coffee
174. Home made tomato sauce by the Spads
175. Chatting to the friend who's wedding I am shooting in June
176. Having a chat with Amy on the phone
177. Andy bringing me a cuppa in bed when I am poorly
178. The woman who I saw the other day, she picked up a $5 note that had fluttered out of someones handbag and chased the other person about 25 meters down the street to return it to her.
179. My comfy bed
180. Andy being on leave when I am off sick

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Restore Factory Settings"

Ever feel like a computer with too much stuff saved to the wrong place? You're running slowly, things take a while to 'upload', start up takes forever and you can forget about installing new programs. That is me right now. While I am 'well' in the conventional sense of the word, I really need a little break to 'de-frag' and essentially, restore my factory settings. So I've booked a weeks leave, which will end up adding up to 10.5 days away from work because of a public holiday Monday and my half day Friday. I've got nowhere to go and no money to go anywhere, even if I wanted to, which I don't, I've really got no plans to see anyone or do anything except some mental and physical 'sorting'.

I haven't worked out the finer details yet, but here is a loose plan; I intend to do a 3 day detox - upping my antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, drinking herbal teas and doing gentle exercise. Hopefully that will get my body feeling a bit more energetic. I intend to devote at least a couple of hours a day to sorting and decluttering the rooms in our home, getting rid of anything that is not functional or beautiful. I intend to do some form of exercise every day. I intend to read and spend some time crafting and photographing. I might write some, I might play my drum some. Basically, I intend to refocus, regroup and re-energize myself by doing things that I love for an entire week (and a bit!). I hope that week goes really slowly!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

141 - 160

141. Valentines day; if nothing else, an excuse to drink wine on a 'school night'
142. The sense of satisfaction that comes from going to the gym at 6am
143. Aqua class, splashy time!
144. An email from my former Kids Hope friend saying 'I like you very much Annie'
145. Positive feedback from my photography teacher
146. The man who offered me a seat on the very crowded train
147. Unexpected text message from Dad offering to buy me lunch
148. Taking a long break for afore mentioned lunch with Dad
149. The way Andy can pull me from the depths of despair just by being alive
150. Northern Exposure
151. A spontaneous hug from Thea in a shop
152. Waking up to rain on the roof
153. The Belair line train journey past Sleeps Hill Tunnel - the portal to tranquility!
154. Inspiring words from a 9 year old "Never give up!"
155. Facebook reconnecting me with an old, old friend
156. Driving through big puddles
157. Spontaneous coffee catch ups
158. Mum coming along to crafternoon
159. Dancing to a funky band
160. Andy's compliments that always seem to come when I am feeling less than complimentable!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A New Approach

Well, I am halfway through month 2 of my 'monthly resolutions' challenge, and I confess, it isn't really working out for me. A lot of things are to blame. The last few weeks at work have really been getting me down - that's nothing new, but I had managed to have a few months where I managed to rise above it all, unfortunately, it has risen to meet me!

My creativity has been having a bit of a lull of late as well. I suspect this may have something to do with why I am struggling to stay on top of my feelings about work. I need to reinstate crochet to at least one way of my train journey again (and read the other way because I am really enjoying my time with Isabel and Jamie in Edinburgh at the moment!) and spend more evenings on craft projects. I am doing more photography, so that is something I guess and I am loving my course.

Having felt flat and lethargic and generally a bit down in the dumps, my exercise routine, eating habits and general house tidiness have also been lacking.
So where to now? Should I still set monthly resolutions? Maybe smaller weekly resolutions would be a better idea. Last year, I bought this from Kikki K Perhaps using this might be a better approach. I did find with January, my positive activity started to wane a bit towards the end of the month.

So, starting Monday, I will trial 'weekly good habits' in place of 'monthly resolutions'. I'll report back at the end of March and let you know how it's working out for me!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Infinately blessed

121. My 'cubicle buddy' making so much effort to cheer me up
122. 'Power shopping' after work - new pants and 2 tops!
123. Yummy banana muffin from Gayle
124. The guy walking down the mall singing "Thank you for the music! bom, bom, bom, bom, bom!" He made me smile.
125. A Judy hug after a crappy day
126. Starting my photography course
127. Getting home after a really long day to find Andy has changed my flat tyre and done the dishes
128. Bumping into an old friend on the street
129. An awesomely long lunch with a like minded soul - very affirming
130. An email that had me crying with laughter before my morning coffee
131. An afternoon with my brother, sister-in-law and my 2 nephews
132. Ginger beer from Ekhidna, McLaren Vale
133. Stewing plums
134. Going to cheap shops with Andy (it's a laugh, it really is!)
135. Judy and Spads toga party
136. Late lunch on a sunny Sunday arvo
137. Having the time (and coins!) for that second cup of coffee
138. A clean car!
139. Dinner cooked by my Mother-in-Law
140. Lazy Sunday nights at the Lawrences

Sunday, February 6, 2011

1000 gifts part 101-120

101. An amusing picture message from Brad
102. Cool change
103. Summer fruit
104. Lincraft lunch hours
105. Living in Adelaide
106. My wedding and engagement rings: A couple of days of not wearing them (dermatitis, ouch) has made me appreciate what a powerful symbol they are and the flutter I (still) get when I look at them and think about what they represent.
107. Cliff Richard night with Nina (Yeah, I am a dag, sue me!)
108. Friday afternoons with my Kids Hope friend
109. Getting the shopping and housework done early so the weekend is clear
110. Surprise gift from Andy, a new kombi for my collection
111. My bircher muesli
112. Saturday nights with nothing to do
113. An unexpected catch up with Tricia
114.Having just enough yarn to complete a square
115. Sunny Sunday in McLaren Vale
116. Chili hot chocolate from Bracegirdles
117. The reaction I got from Sarah on opening the gift I made for her
118. Impromptu fruit picking
119. Appearing on someone elses gratitude list
120. Coming across a bracelet in a jewellery box that has a special story from Nepal attached to it